Besides my LinkedIn, my GitHub, and my resume, my portfolio includes a handful of projects and postmortems I’ve written about them:
- COVID Mortality Predictor that I worked on with two classmates to predict COVID mortality based on data provided from the Mexican Ministry of Health. (Writeup on the way!)
- nprcore.me, a joke website I made with a friend that compares a user’s Spotify activity with National Public Radio’s music recommendations
- A writeup about The Worst Project I Ever Finished about my long time project PaperScraper: what its development was like, what went wrong, and what I learned doing it
- A Survey of Intermediate Python Features, which just discusses a handful of Python features that I hope will help bridge the gap between beginners and more advanced Python users
- My undergraduate thesis on Elliptic Curves and the Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer Conjecture
- A short introduction I wrote on greedy algorithms
I also have several reading lists I’ve assembled for people interested in breaking into some topics:
- Advice for learning mathematics
- Advice for learning how to program
- Advice for learning data science (coming soon!)
If you’re interested in contacting me about a career opportunity, you’re welcome to email me at lowe [dot] s [at] northeastern [dot] edu. (If you’re a human, you should be able to put that email address together.)